I hope not. Studies indicate, however, that the aluminosilicate that is added to processed table salt (to make it free-flowing) is linked to Alzheimer's. Never eat processed salt - it's void of any nutritional value. Used unprocessed sea salt. It has 84 trace minerals that promote good health.
Thanks for you commen
I like the smell more than the taste.
Thanks for you comment
I highly doubt it.
Thanks for sharing
DWW What is the source of your statistic? I can't give an opinion unless I know how reliable the sources are.
Thanks for sharing -
Linda Joy
If you google it you can find many sources and choose the source you trust the most. Here's one:
The statement is sufficiently vague to be true. After all: people who never consume coffee CAN also get Alzheimers. 100% of people who don't consume coffee CAN get Alzheimers. Doesn't mean that they will.
Thanks for sharing your comment :)
It can also send you into afib. I was told when diagnosed to limit my caffeine.
Thanks for sharing your comment :)
I don't think the increasing numbers is due to coffee consumption DWW, people have been consuming coffee for years, have even lived into their 90's and kept their marbles, the increase in numbers of dementia comes from a source more modern, and unmonitored than that.
Thank you Creamcrackered, Happy New Years Day
every thing is ok in moderation
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