It could be a conspiracy and real at the same time. My neighbor claims to have tested positive. I have not at this point in time. And just because its real doesn't mean you have to run screaming in panic. We've learned a lot since the bubonic plague.
Thanks, I agree we just don't know about it
Well, they don't have someone they know who has had it, or someone close who has died of it, when that happens the conspiracy of it not being real, will vanish. However, I do find it suspicious that Event 201 an exercise to simulate what would happen in a Covid worldwide pandemic, happened in October 2019, a month before Covid 19.
Yeah, I hear you on that one makes me wonder too? -
bostjan the adequate 🥉
There have been dozens of unofficial reports of people in the US dying of covid themselves, denying that it exists all the while. I'm betting that there is a seed of truth to them, but there is also likely at least some degree of exaggeration. The funny thing about event 201 is that it was one of hundreds of similar scenario role-play events in which scientists were sounding the horn that pandemic response, particularly in big nations like the USA and China, were extremely ill-prepared for an event that would ultimately be inevitable, due to the exponentially growing world population and poor sanitation practices on industrial meat farms. Scientists identified lack of funding for the CDC, the unchecked misinformation problem with social media, anti-health and anti-vax movements gaining enough traction to reach a critical mass, and lack of medical equipment surpluses as weak points. Scientists publicly cried out about these findings, and were categorically ignored by both the US and Chinese governments. After the thing that scientists said might happen soon happened soon after they predicted it, now it's a conspiracy theory. It's like a bad episode of the Twilight Zone! -
Bostjan, I love this response. The world would be a better place if we all strived to be as well informed and rational as yourself. You cut right through the BS and I always enjoy your comments -
Scientists are also crying out about how the environment is flooded with unchecked RF radiation, but that is ignored as well, still cancer hasn't lost it's popularity, every one in two people have it at some point in their lifetime, no one is questioning why? With regards to meat, what about all the antibiotics they give to the livestock which is making bacteria become resistant, this is a more pressing issue than global warming, do we hear about it, no. So maybe the Event 201 isn't a conspiracy, but it's so often now that a drill or exercise always takes place a matter of weeks or days before something like this happens, coincidence maybe, but this much coincidence? And don't mock conspiracy theorists, a lot of what they have said has been confirmed over the years, want to know who made the word conspiracy a dirty one, the CIA. -
Thanks for your comments :)
While the disease is real (and released on purpose from China), the hysteria around it is fabricated and done to keep the sheeple in fear.
Thanks for your comment well appreciated :)
When a close friend or relative get it and dies, they will change their opinion.
Thanks for your comment well appreciated :)
There are misinformed (or just plain nutso) people on both sides of the coin. No doubt hearing that they have failed miserably to obtain a monopoly on stupidity will send the leftards screeching to their safe place. Alas, truth is sooo hurtful sometimes! As for COVID, there are those that think it doesn't exist....and those that just know it's the Second Coming of the Black Plague, Spanish Flu, and Ebola rolled into one...two sides of the same whacko coin. The truth lies somewhere between these extremes, but then the QAnon and BlueAnon never let anything so inconsequential as truth or facts impede their beloved conspiracy theories. Same as with masks. You got them wearing handkerchiefs or cheapo drugstore 'pretend' surgical masks, instead of the real deal. You got them only wearing mask to get entry to some store, and them wearing two masks everywhere all the time. There's all sorts of disinformation flying around about COVID, vaccines, masks, etc., and most are too stupid or lazy to separate the wheat from the chaff....preferring to have CNN (or some conservative equivalent) just tell them what to think!
Thanks for your comment well appreciated :)
When a family member of theirs dies, they will know it is real. There's no convincing them any other way.
Thanks for your comment :)
oh it's real. I had it. but I think it is a man-made bioweapon. most viruses (polio) and bacterial vaccines are an attenuated or inactivated version. the pharmaceutical companies had to resort to using messenger RNA to rewrite your DNA for a vaccine. What's wrong with this picture???
Thanks for your comment :)
I guess they have not had a relative or friend who has died from it.
Yeah I see
already answered, just realised.
Thanks again :)
I call them "Covidiots".
I have a copy of the CDC's page for one week where they admitted that the total COVID cases included those for pneumonia and influenza. This admission proves that they were keeping the COVID numbers artificially high. And because the gain-of-function research was paid for by Fauci and they were in the pockets of the Democrats and because they worked with the media to keep the panic going, I would say **CONSPIRACY** pretty much describes it.
They are total idiots. Millions of people have passed away from COVID 19. The deaths have not only been mentioned on the news but hearing about it from relatives and friends. These idiots you speak of did not have any friends or relatives have COVID 19 and just because they did not have it doesn’t mean it does not exist. These idiots are among others who have survived COVID 19 and not affected by it just yet. Anyone can get COVID 19 at any time.
Army Veteran
You don't know what you're talking about. The only thing you have to go by is the fake media that have been shills of the Libtard Party ever since the 2016 elections and their hate campaign against Donald Trump. You believe anything you're told just like the relatives and friends you mention. -
Shadow Of The Mind
I know very well what I am talking about. Covid 19 is real and people have passed away from it. If you deny that well then you’re wrong. Covid 19 is not from fake media. That’s bull$hit talk -
Shadow Of The Mind -
Army Veteran
I never said "it didn't exist" I said it didn't exist as bad as the fake media and Libtards claim it did. I said that it was such a non-issue that the CDC had to keep the numbers artificially high in order to justify the illegal mandates. Before you try to debate anything, I suggest you learn to read. -
Shadow Of The Mind
I understand now that you’ve explained things. There is nothing wrong with my reading. I can read words perfectly fine. I do not intend to debate.
What do I think of such people? They are no different than the many other "conspiracy theorists" that see conspiracies EVERYWHERE and in ANYTHING! My problem is, why are there so many of them contributors to this site?
They are right, Covid is a conspiracy. The virus is certainly not a freak of nature or God’s punishment to sinning humankind. It is a man-made weapon of biowarfare. Trump knew all along when he used the phrase of: "the Chinese virus."
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