While many of us do have DNA sequences indicating that cross-breeding did occur, we do not have Neanderthal "blood." It is not known if Neanderthals recognized any gods, however, ceremonial burials have been found. Burials indicate a reverence for the dead, but beyond that, their reasons for the memorial may be entirely different than ours.
The question seems like a bit of a non-sequitor to me, but, yeah, it looks like Non-sub-Saharan-African peoples have some Neanderthal DNA, and also Siberian, Polynesian, and Native American peoples have some Denisovan DNA. So there wasn't one mass spread across the globe, but, rather, early humans wandered around and had sex with strangers a lot back in umpteen-thousand BC. Should have been no surprise to anthropologists! I think it's just a shift in the political correctness around things. No "race" (read ethnic clade) is superior nor inferior to any other, but we humans are somewhat diverse. We should embrace our diversity. We are all the same, in that we are all homosapiens, but we are all unique, in that no two people are exactly alike. The controversy seems to be that some people are more alike than others, and that there are three visually identifiable clades - those centering around sub-Saharan Africa, those centering around the Caucuses and those centering around Eastern Siberia. Why stating that fact causes the wrath of some people is difficult to understand. We should also understand, though, that those clades don't have any hard lines around each other, not now, and probably not ever, since humans were always wandering around getting friendly with each other.
Apparently some have more than others. Two times nothing is still nothing.
No, and we don't have neanderthal blood.
Only a Neanderthal would think that.
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