One to change the lightbulb. However there needs to one to get to the deep rooted reason the first psychiatrist is so reluctant to change the light bulb. A third one to prescribe meds so the shrink can be stable enough to do so.
100. They all want to turn the bulb in different directions and can't agree on which way to get the old bulb out.
Two, One to replace it while another observes and psycho analyses him.
have no idea
Just one, but the light bulb has to WANT to change!
First, does the lightbulb have insurance?
Linda Joy
Lol -
That's from the Latin "Primum non pro bono."
Probably just one because they have to be smarter than the person asking this question.
Linda Joy
You're not!
First the light bulb has to want to change! : )
Why are you asking this question ? Are you hearing those voices again ?
Linda Joy
They told me not to admit it publicly!
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