"Hey!" Is usually all I need. I often open with "Do you Wanna Dance?" but if I thought I liked them and needed a really good one I'd say "You'd look absolutely delicious all tied up in the satin sheets on my king size waterbed!"
Ice man
Yeah, I'll bet that works for you. But it would probably get me a slap in the face. -
Linda Joy
Not if you try it on me! 😘 -
Lilo Avli
Get a room. -
Linda Joy
Jealous! Lol
Mae West never said that. If you are going to quote, get it right. "The following line, a classic double entendre, was not spoken by Mae West in She Done Him Wrong (1933): "Is that a gun [or pistol] in your pocket, or are you just glad to see me?" She did restate the line in her final film, an outrageous comedy titled Sextette (1978)."
Ice man
I'm so glad you got that off your chest like a soiled blouse, my darling. And now that your ample chest is uncovered would you like to actually answer the question that was asked in the first place ? -
Lilo Avli
How did you twos date night go ? -
Ice man
She's playing "Hard To Get".
"I'm really horny. Fancy a shag ?"
Ice man
No thanks, I have a headache. -
we are dough 68
It'll only take two minutes. -
Ice man
That's what you told the poor goat too. -
we are dough 68
He didn't complain at the time. And I bought him some new suspenders. -
Ice man
No doubt, but he wanted rubber boots. -
we are dough 68
I'm not into that kinky stuff.
dont have one right now
we are dough 68
When you do get one, please let us know. Love you.
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