Excellent Ice man~We need a lot more features on here. Lets get out of the first grade mode administrators or you are liable to fail like the other site. Nov. 25
"We all make typo's" indeed, but when the grammar Nazi's make typo's, it's always justified.
Ice man
Funny how that worked eh ?
Is it wrong that I really liked hearing you beg? Looks like you got your way..
Ice man
Wrong on so many levels ! (just kidding). Yes, and I did cartwheels the day we got our edit feature. : ) -
Linda Joy
I'm not sure if I believe you can still do cartwheels. -
Ice man
You're smarter than the average cookie, I had to stop doing cartwheels because I'd fall over and hurt myself. : ) -
Linda Joy
I wouldn't risk doing one now either.
Already here. Just added this. Look for a orangish square with a pencil at the upper right, when you post/answer. Make the correction, then there will be a red square at the same place. Click on it.
When was there NOT an edit feature? There's been one since I joined. What I would like is dating on the questions and answers and the ability to compose in paragraphs. No one wants to read a long, unbroken, wall of text, and it's bad grammar.
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