Someone I loved...dying.
my funny bone...I hit it yesterday climbing down the ladder...sad thing is the only one laughing was the boss
I had a bone infection in the stump of my leg and in my pelvis, combined with cellulitis. The bone infection went on for almost two years, and I had to have my leg re-amputated twice. The final amputation was an enormous relief.
When cicumstances made me and my b/f broke up in 1990. My heart broke and it took almost 10 years to heal.....
Well, in my culture. .(Sout African, Xhosa speaking), to become a man you need to be circumcised. . .that's not the painful part (you're cut looking, not drugged on anything, your penus bleeds and we use dry goat skin to wrap the wound (no pills for the pain)). .what's painful is the wound healing, and we use this plant that just makes you go crazy (with an unbeareable pain) for a whole 2 weeks, I don't think I'll ever experience a pain like that, ever. But atleast I came out alive, which is more than I can say for some of my other initiation school mates. (I'm not making this up and I'm not even supposed to be writing it on the site) but you asked, and I told.
Toothache which mostly occurs in the midnight.+5
losing someone dear
Well, about 5 or 6 years ago, I had a terrible back problem for 2 months - much of which I could hardly move [My wife cried seeing the dreadful agony I was in] ... it almost felt like I was on the verge of death in pain from time to time ... I think only God held me up. But I actually had a terrible year that year - with an ulcer that lasted all year ... and a number of intimate experiences with Satan and his world that are the most horrifying and terrifying experiences of my life. Fortunately, I finally found the key answer, but not until after much personal counsel with Church General Authorities. That was an emotional pain I would not wish on a snake!! It was a dreadful year.
Nothing can compare to actual "Organ" pain. Only pain I couldn't handle was Pancreatitis. Indescribable is all I can say.
For two times I had kidney stones (that second time in 2000. that was an AGONY which lasted for about 6 hours when I could not endour any more and I took Praxiten from which I could not fell my arms for some time) and before 2 years I dislocated my right neeckap and that was like hole preveouse agony in just 10 minutes,OUCH!
toothache! very untolerable.
Watching my parents at the end of their lives and knowing there was nothing I could do to help them or take their pain away.
A 3 day and night labour with my son without epurdural or pain relief.
Breaking(fracturing) the ramus bones(you sit on them) on the left side of my pelvis,the pain was the most I have ever felt.
Physical pain: right after my c-section when the spinal wore off and before they gave me the first demerol shot. Emotional: The year 2000. My mom died, one of my best friends died and my marriage fell apart. Horrible awful year.
It is simply a "tie" between: childbirth. . . . .a slipped disc in my spine. . . . . .an abcessed tooth in need of a root canal!
I completely shattered my heel bone...not only is it one of the hardest bones in your body to break but there isn't much that can be done for recovery...5 years out and I still have pain most days,I can't climb ladders or even really run for that not only was the break unbelieveably painful(worst pain I've ever felt and for those who know me they know that is saying a lot)but I'll have to deal with the after effects for the rest of my life...Sucks all the way around
Cramps and the injustice of the legal system; and how it can be manipulated by those with money until a person is absolutely crushed. +5
Broken ribs. Also when my collar bone was broke.
Physically- Giving birth emotionally-Leaving someone
when my first love broke my heart.
My mother died today, we did not speak for two years. I am feeling a lot of pain.
Emotionally.......Hearing my eldest son tell me "You're dead to me" Physically........Stomach surgery.
When i saw your avatar.
Loss of my Mother, when I was 18.
Physical pain was in my groin. It became unbearable, and in 1985 I had surgery to relieve it. I had to have both testicles removed to get rid of the pain, and two years later had my empty scrotum removed. I now have nothing but my penis.
I had a migraine headache about 30 years ago. It was so bad, I still remember it. Even worse than when I broke my leg.
I cant say it was pain but the i wanted to die when i got food poisoning from chinese food. I thought i was having a heart attack at first.
It is a toss up between migraine and kidney stones.
i think braking my leg arm and face all at the same time ... fell off of a clif face and it hurt like a bitch
the pain of being human(beginners mind)
When I was pregnant I was induced and the Dr used Oxytocin, the contractions brought on by that medicine made me want to die! I was in labor for 22 hours, I had alot of medication and an epidural. They had to do the epidural three times, I insisted that it was only numbing one side and the Drs didn't believe me. They decided to do a C-section and when they cut into my stomach I felt it and screamed...They put me "under" and when I woke up my son was in the ICU due to the medications and hard delivery. I couldn't see him until he was 5 days old because I was put on Magnesium sulfate so that I wouldn't have seizures, it shuts down your nervous system so you can't move. They couldn't bring my son to me because he was in the Neonatal intensive care unit. I was induced because I developed Eclampsia. It was a horribly painful experience!
I herniated a disc in my lower back a little over 2 years ago. THAT was some of the MOST intense pain I've ever felt. I could hardly put my pants on without it feeling like my back was breaking.
child birth. I was 140 lbs and gave birth to a 9 lb baby........NATURAL
Physical Pain, as an adult, withdrawals from Effexor without a doubt. Childbirth was nothing compared to that because at least there was an end to it. Withdrawal pain from Effexor didn't stop, there was no way of escaping it whatsoever. (except to take more Effexor which I ultimately had to do) It takes a toll physiclly & mentally you go on a brain zap, emotional roller coaster. Kinda like trying to ski downhill on ice. It knocks the foundation of your thinking/ coping out of wack.
Thats easy. Child birth. I shattered 3 vertabre in my neck that did not hurt. Birth hurts.
Watching my daughter grieving the loss of her husband in 2008.
Renal colic takes some beating. While I was waiting for the doctor to arrive it occurred to me that if it were to persist indefinitely without painkillers suicide would be an acceptable alternative. Experts have since informed me that it is almost as painful as childbearing . . .
The ones I caused myself. +5
the pain of loss........
My sophomore year is high school was the absolute worst year of my life. If I was forced to re-live it again, I wouldn't survive.
The pain in my groin before my urologist agreed to remove my testicles through inguinal incisions to remove both testicles and all the veins to them. The varicoceles caused enough pain I ould only do a half day's work before it became intolerable. My wife supported having me castrated, and she pressured my urologist to do it. He reluctantly agreed it was the best solution, ane left me with an empty scrotum that aI asked him to remove two years later. The woman doctor who did the surgery under his tutelage cut me tight enough I would never have to deal with having an empty sac agn. I'm omfortable having nothing but my penis. It still works.
Losing my grandson.
Having a defibrillator go off in your chest. And the medical bills that subsequently follow.
A colonoscopy done on me without enough anesthetic. I felt the whole damn excrutating procedure.
15th july 2022.... Labor pain's
Linda Joy
Its still the 14th here. So tell me, what does tomorrow look like?
Gallstone attacks before I had my gallbladder removed! 7/14/22
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