don't sweat it. this question alone will likely net you tons of points to make up for it.
I wouldn't worry too much about it. The more you worry, the more it will bother you.
Troll thrive on negative energy laugh at them and they explode :)+
Hide! HIDE I TELL YOU lol +5
I reported it to feedback if it is the same person doing it they will be warned.
The website didn't do anything for me. You just have to accept it.
You mean AFTER you get over your laughing fit? Do like me...leave them a really cool video to entertain them at their expense. Like this one: . .
i wouldnt worry about but if i did take action i would alert the COATS! ;D
Thanks, chief . Unfortunately my non-state of the art equipment will not do video answers at this time.
Report them. Take a screen shot of the (turn OFF answers and comments), and send an email to [email protected]. As for your "safe place"... THAT is up to you. ;-)
Yes! Go to your own personal stinkin dwell
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